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Tooth Extractions

  • Unbearable tooth ache
  • Orthodontic extractions
  • Performed at our practice or in private hospital

Do you have a tooth ache that is keeping you awake at night? Has your orthodontist recommended that you need teeth removed to create space? At Doucas Dental we provide both extractions under local anaesthetic and oral sedation in our practice as well as general anaesthetic in a private hospital.

Caring for your mouth following an extraction:

  • Following your extraction you can expect some mild discomfort and we recommend general pain relief medication to reduce the pain, however if you are on other prescribed medication it is best to check with your GP or pharmacists prior to taking anything.
  • Place ice packs on your face to reduce swelling and keep your head elevated. You can leave the icepacks on for 20 minutes at a time and remove for 20 minutes.
  • Check with your GP if you need to stop taking any blood thinning medication before your after your extractions.
  • Eat soft and cool foods for a few days. For example, soups, yoghurts, smoothies, mashed potatoes.
  • A gentle rinse with warm salt water (one cup of water to one teaspoon of salt), started 12 hours after the surgery or when the bleeding has stopped which can help to keep the area clean.
  • Most swelling and bleeding ends within a day or two after the surgery. Complete healing takes at least two weeks.
  • You should not smoke, use a straw or spit after surgery. These actions can pull the blood clot out of the hole where the tooth was and lead to a dry socket.


Please do not hesitate to contact the team at Doucas Dental if you are having any concerns on 08 9274 1657 or you can email us if it is urgent after hours regarding your recent extraction with us, or just have a question we are more than happy to help with any concerns you may have.

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